Thursday, August 8, 2013

Decor Desires: Garment Racks as Decorative Objects

Hi lovelies! 

Something I have been loving recently is garment racks as storage, artwork, and decor in a home. The idea has appealed to me for a while, as inspired by various bloggers and Pinterest pins, but after having my clothes out of my closet and on a rack while in the process of moving, I've kind of fell in love with it for everyday life. Hopefully one day soon I can afford the space to have my own rack and showcase some beauties... in the meantime, here are some inspiring images of garment racks in homes. 

Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere's home office (credit
Emily Schuman's home office, part 2 (credit)
original // via
Devon Rachel's home, original // via
Alice & Olivia showroom, original // via
Would you use a garment rack for more than just functional storage? 

Have a great day!
xx, Amy

1 comment:

Jordon said...

such cute ideas! I would die over having the clothes on those racks!